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Blue Cities: Nature-Based Solutions for Coastal Climate Resilience


Blue Cities: Nature-Based Solutions for Coastal Climate Resilience

We live in a world of constant transformation, where climate and biodiversity crises impact thousands of people daily, demanding urgent action for adaptation and resilience. While documents and action plans at various levels of governance emphasize the importance of ecosystem restoration, the promotion of climate resilience, and highlight Nature-based Solutions (NbS) as strategic pathways, many professionals on the front lines of implementation still face challenges in bringing NbS projects to life in their local contexts.

This material provides an overview of NbS that can be applied in Brazil, with a focus on coastal cities, to strengthen climate resilience. Although this document is developed with a national perspective, it presents solutions that can be adapted for cities worldwide. Our goal is to support decision-makers, public administrators, legislators, investors, and the general public by compiling information that facilitates the identification of NbS strategies to promote urban sustainability and help cities adapt to increasingly intense climate events driven by climate change.

This work was produced by the Brazilian Alliance for Ocean Culture, coordinated by the Maré de Ciência Program/UNIFESP, the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation, and UNESCO, in collaboration with the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection, to strengthen the interface between science and public policy. The information shared here is based on examples already implemented around the world and a rigorous scientific curation. This enhances the opportunity for science-based decision-making, grounded in successful experiences.

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